CSEPP's Preparedness Themes
CSEPP’s has six emergency preparedness themes that you can read all about on our sister webpage https://prepareky.com/resources/ the six themes are:
- Develop family and individual emergency plans, including those plans that specifically deal with persons with access and functional needs.
- Build family and individual
emergency kits , including materials that specifically address the requirements of persons with access and functional needs. - Develop emergency plans and build emergency kits that provide resources for family pets.
- Develop shelter-in-place (SIP) plans, build emergency kits that include SIP supplies, and “how-to SIP” directions in emergency kits, including specific activities for those persons with access and functional needs.
- Know your children’s school emergency plans for a CSEPP incident.
- Know your individual county and CSEPP regional alert, warning, and notification systems, including those that utilize the IPAWS network.
Using the resources highlighted below and on the
PrepareKY webpages you and your family can find the information you need to “BE AWARE, HAVE A PLAN, BUILD A KIT.”
Preparedness for Access & Functional Needs Groups
During a disaster, individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs (AFN) may require special assistance from the emergency management system in their jurisdiction. These additional considerations for at-risk individuals are a vital part of emergency planning for the whole community. If you or someone close to you has a disability and other access and functional need, you may have to take additional steps to protect yourself and your family in an emergency.
Resources to help prepare yourself and your family.
Resources developed to assist AFN groups and their caregivers enhance their level of personal awareness and preparedness.